Careers and Post 16
Careers and Guidance at Royal Docks Academy
Careers Lead – Mr C Walsh
At Royal Docks Academy, we aim to ensure that our students are prepared for success. We have an inspirational careers program, guided by the Gatsby Benchmarks; [1. A stable career programme, 2. Learning from career and labour market information, 3. Addressing the needs of each pupil, 4. Linking curriculum learning to careers, 5. Encounters with employers and employees, 6. Experiences of Work Experience, 7. Encounters with further and higher education, 8. Personal guidance] The benchmarks gives students the opportunity to gain insight into and explore a variety of careers and study options before they leave at the end of year 11.
Our program is broadminded, starting in Year 7, when students engage in activities to explore different career sectors and future pathways. We support students in learning more about themselves and guide them in exploring areas the they might like to pursue in the future. Throughout their time at RDA, students have opportunities to engage in an exciting speaker series, visit further education sites, and learn first-hand about different careers and the paths towards them. These experiences will help students to make informed decisions about the subjects that they wish to specialise in while in Key Stage 4. In Year 10, students receive personalised support through careers interviews, and be able to get a taste of the world of work through work experience opportunities.
The focus for Year 11 is supporting the transition to further education or training through a variety of experiences such as Apprenticeship workshops and career insight talks as well as our annual College Roadshow and Mock Interview Day in the Autumn term. At Royal Docks Academy, we want the very best for our students and are proud to be a part of their journey towards success.
Royal Docks Academy have partnered up with Unifrog. Unifrog is an online destinations platform and all students have access to this platform to engage with and research careers opportunities. Students will be supported with Unifrog from assemblies, drop down days and careers events throughout the academic year.
Royal Docks Academy is also partnered with Future First – an Alumni Charity. Future First reach out to Royal Docks Academy former students and how RDA Alumni can strengthen the success of Royal Docks Academy current students.
Year Group |
Aims |
Key Activity & Events |
Gatsby Benchmarks
Year 7 & 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
Useful Careers Websites for Parents/ Carers and Students
All students at Royal Docks Academy will be updated on Careers Information Advice and Guidance.
Information will be shared through letters home, our newsletters as well as through information events such as Open Evenings and Parents Evenings
Resources can be found on this site which you may wish to use in order to support your child in their career decision making.
You may also find the websites links below useful.
Are you an employer looking to work with Royal Docks Academy?
Royal Docks Academy is keen to work with employers who can pass on the benefit of their skills, experience and expertise. Our careers events require volunteers for a range of activities that takes place inside and out of school, such as session facilitators or speaking at events and fairs. At RDA, we offer Careers Lunches and if you as an employer would like to facilitate a Careers Lunch, then please email the schools careers lead Mr. Conor Walsh on
We also liaise with ELBA – East London Business Alliance. ELBA engages with employers and invite them to work and engage with students during the academic year.
If you would like to find out more or to volunteer for an event please contact: Mr C Walsh on
Careers in the Curriculum
Royal Docks Academy is committed to developing the life chances of all students and aims to encourage and inspire all pupils through a comprehensive and stable careers programme of Careers.
The school’s careers co-ordinator runs a variety of events as part of our careers programme for all year groups. As well as discussions and activities forming part of the curriculum and posters in individual departments, there is also help and advice via our career’s advisor, Unifrog and other links in the Parents/Carers area, assemblies and other school careers event throughout the academic year.
At KS3 (Year 7, 8 and 9)
Students participate in a range of activities which includes learning about themselves; their personality, strengths and qualities. These events take place throughout the academic year with different events. Students will begin to explore different career options in the modern world and gain an awareness of how they begin to research and plan various career paths. Year 9 pupils will focus on KS4 options and making appropriate subject choices for their chosen career pathway. Year 9 students will also start their Work Experience search during the summer term. STEM trips and university trips are planned for students to attend and volunteering opportunities in the local community.
At KS4 (Year 10 and 11)
Year 10 students are given the opportunity to undertake work experience, as well as taking part in a careers event (Boss Day) which will develop their employability skills. Year 10 students will engage in a full-scale interview process and extensive feedback is given to all students. Year 10 students are able to transfer these skills to their work experience placement.
Year 11's are offered an individual and / or group session with the independent Careers Advisor and will also focus on their post-16 options, while learning how to make effective transition from KS4 onto KS5. They also have the opportunity to attend the Careers Fair where there are potential employers from different sectors as well as college and apprenticeship providers. Both year groups will have a range of events and opportunities to gain independent and impartial advice about options which is best suited to them as individuals. STEM trips and university trips are planned for students to attend and volunteering opportunities in the local community. Trips are planned on an opportunity that come our way to students to engage with.
Options at 16+
During the Autumn term, Year 11 students are invited to the annual Royal Docks Academy Destination Roadshow. Royal Docks Academy invites up to 15 neighbouring colleges and sixth forms from Newham and neighbouring boroughs. Year 11 students can meet and questions staff from all colleges on courses they propose to offer for the following September enrolment. They include;
London Design & Engineering [ UTC]
Labour Market Information (LMI)
When thinking about your future options, it's important to think not only about what careers interest you, but also job availability in that sector. The links below will help you compare careers, job salary in different sectors and to get more information on what those job roles entail.