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GCSE Results
Posted: 12th August 2021Students have “triumphed over adversity” to secure GCSE qualifications.
Year 11 students received their long-awaited GCSE results today – with an increase in the number of students collecting the highest possible grade 9.
For the second year running, the traditional external exams were cancelled and students instead graded on a combination of in-school assessments, work already completed and coursework.
Despite the challenges of lockdown and remote learning, our school’s GCSE results are at an all-time high, with the proportion of students achieving a grade 5 or higher in English and maths up to 46 per cent.
Executive headteacher John Blaney said: “We are incredibly proud of our students and their achievements. This has been another challenging year for them, with disruptions and unknowns, but they have triumphed over adversity.
“I’d like to wish all students the best of luck for their future.”